Welcome to the insic Podcast, where we will explore the latest technical solutions for the world of regulatory compliance in the gambling industry.
As a leading provider of identification services and compliance solutions in accordance with German and European law. Our services are used for the unique identification of natural persons, youth media protection with 18+ checks and the prevention of gambling addiction and money laundering.
Our portfolio offers 50+ services and technical solutions for the implementation of regulatory requirements in regulated gambling. In Germany, this includes particularly transaction monitoring through systems such as the LUGAS central files, the LUGAS safe server and the OASIS blocking file as well as online risk management systems for franchise organisations.
Thanks to our unique workflow management system, insic ensures the best user conversion at highly attractive conditions. Our solutions help you reduce time to market by using only one authorised, secure, and mature IT system.
In this podcast, we will dive deep into the services and we will give you a detailed overview of the software and technologies required to meet compliance standards. Alongside our regular insic Updates and the insic.de Blog.
This podcast is based on insic original handwritten content meaning that we are not using foreign content or copying text from other sources. We are using AI tools to generate images, support our translations, create voices and provide transliterations with the intention of streamlining the content to a broader audience.
Stay tuned as we share the latest developments and insights to help you navigate the software required to implement the compliance requirements in the gambling world.
Credentials: Content by Gunter, the technical perspective is reviewed by Jonas and Jaspher, Luise takes care of the orthography and the SCHUFA services, Max and Jo make sure we don’t promise any features that we cannot deliver, Hannes and Sang manage the distribution of this Podcast as planned, the episodes have been translated by Elena, curated by Maya and the final review is done by the insic team.
SCHUFA IdentityCheck
In this episode: Registration data such as first name, surname, date of birth and address are transferred to SCHUFA. Once [...]
insic Core Module
In this episode: The insic Core Module provides central functions for managing the insic platform. The globally unique insic Workflow [...]
In this episode: As a leading provider of identification services and compliance solutions in accordance with German and European law. [...]